The driving force behind Wein & Wissen is Peer F. Holm, vintage 1966.
Thanks to his many years of experience in the international wine wholesale trade and on the wine scene, his knowledge of wines – in particular those from Germany and the Iberian Peninsula – is extraordinary. He has expanded the spectrum of his work through the years to include countries such as Lebanon, Georgia, Morocco, Greece and Italy.
Peer F. Holm is internationally especially knowledgeable about the Iberian winegrowing countries of Spain and Portugal. He acquired his in-depth knowledge of the different regions, the varied landscapes, the numerous wineries and the charismatic vintners over many years.
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Added to this are his own personal impressions and experiences of the culture, food, people and life in Germany, Spain and Portugal, in the world of wine and on the topic of good food in general.
Career history:
Additional activities and current projects are shown in the section references.
Since 2008: Self-employed as a freelancer with Wein & Wissen. Consulting and training activities dealing with wine and fine food roughly outline the range of services. Based on Peer F. Holm’s many years of experience, marketing and PR work is a major area of business, in addition to product range selection and development.
2020 – 2022: Secretary General of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale. This makes him the first German on the executive board of the international sommelier association since its foundation in 1969.
2019 – 2022: Member of the advisory board of Fair and Green e.V.
2017 – 2022: President of the German Sommelier Association (Sommelier-Union Deutschland e.V.).
2018 – 2020: Coordinator of PR, Marketing & Communication of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale
2017 – 2020: Director of By Laws Committee of ASI – Association de la Sommellerie Internationale
2016: Approved as official „Rioja Wine Educator“ by the Consejo Regulador DOCa Rioja as one of the first educators world-wide.
2013 – 2017: Vice-President of the German Sommelier Association, mainly taking care of new media (internet, social media), international affairs and communication.
Officially authorised sensory expert to assess wine and sparkling; certified by DLG until December 2019.
Awarded as „Schlemmer Atlas Top 50 Sommelier“ by Busche Verlag since the start of the event series in 2012.
2009 – 2013: Member of the advisory board of the German Sommelier Association, mainly taking care of new media (internet, social media) and communication.
Since 2007: Officially accredited “Sherry Educator” (Formador homologado del vino de Jerez) by the Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen Jerez – Xérès – Sherry, Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda y Vinagre de Jerez.
2007 – 2008: Responsible for purchasing at the renowned importer Weinkontor Freund. The product range includes wines and specialty foods from Italy, Spain, Portugal and France, and is targeted at the specialist wine trade and delicatessen stores.
2007 – 2013: Interface between the regional spokespersons and managing committee of the German Sommelier Association – named as the official team leader for the regional spokespersons (“Teamleiter der Regionalsprecher”) – and was thus in charge of reorganising and coordinating the regional work of the German Sommelier Association.
2006 – 2020: Internet representative for the German Sommelier Association.
2006 – 2007: Setup and coordination of the company TxB fine wines in Cologne, Germany.
2005 – 2013: Rheinland regional spokesperson for the German Sommelier Association.
2005 – 2023: Member of the examination board for certified wine consultant (“geprüfter Weinfachberater”) of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Koblenz, Germany, and member of the examination board for “Sommelier/Sommelière” of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Koblenz, Germany, since 2009. Renewed assignment in 2014.
2003 – 2004: Sourcing and purchasing of wines for Ardau’s newly founded sister company, activ Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, which, unlike Ardau, supplies to the food retail and discount sector, in addition to its existing duties at Ardau.
2001: Formation of Wein & Wissen, initially on a part-time basis.
1997 – 2009: Regular appearances as lecturer for Spain and Portugal at the German Wine and Sommelier School in Koblenz, Berlin and Hamburg (Germany).
1996 – 2005: Worked for ARDAU Weinimport GmbH, Spain and Portugal specialists for the specialist wine trade, initially as sales manager and, from 2001 onwards, as purchasing manager.
1994 – 1996: Sales manager for Rindchens Weinkontor, a regional importer and wholesaler, with a primary focus on supplying the restaurant and catering trade in and around Hamburg.
1993 – 1994: Advanced management course concentrating on wine and beverage skills granting the title “staatlich geprüfter Sommelier” at the hotel management school Hotelfachschule Heidelberg, Germany.
1992 – 1993: Work placement in viticulture and winemaking at the Schwarzer Adler hotel and wine estate of Franz Keller in Oberbergen am Kaiserstuhl, Germany.
1989 – 1992: Training as restaurant specialist (“Restaurantfachmann”) in the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Hamburg, Germany.